Loring Hospital
Healthiest State Walk logo

Loring Hospital's Community Wide Healthiest State Walk

October 3, 2021

The Loring Hospital Community Wide Healthiest State Walk is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Oct. 6 from noon - 1 p.m. Community members are encouraged to take a 30 minute walk and to stop by the Criss Gazebo to pick up a sack lunch sponsored by SacFit Wellness Coalition and Food Pride.

Loring Hospital's new physical therapist, Makayla Mille

Loring Hospital Welcomes New Physical Therapist

June 29, 2021

In May, Loring Hospital welcomed Makayla Millea, doctor of physical therapy (DPT).

Karter and Brooks Ludwig; and Suzi Namanny (front right

Patients Find Solace in Rehab Services

June 17, 2021

Having knee surgery at 12 years old was a little scary for Brooks Ludwig, who tore his patellar tendon in his right knee while playing football last fall. He worried he wouldn't be able to participate in any of his favorite sports again. Soon after surgery, Brooks started physical therapy at Loring Hospital's Rehab Services Department. He was nervous, but also excited to resume some activity.

Loring Hospital entrance

Loring Hospital Among Top 20 Critical Access Hospital List for Quality

May 11, 2021

Loring Hospital has been named one of the top 20 critical access hospitals in the U.S. for best practices in quality. It was the only hospital in Iowa to be recognized in this category.

National Nutrition Month 2021 logo

Quarterly Health Beat: Personalize Your Plate

March 15, 2021

Each year during March, we celebrate National Nutrition Month, which focuses on making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits. This year's theme is "Personalize Your Plate," which supports the philosophy that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health. We are all unique with different bodies, goals, backgrounds and tastes.?

Image of Jim Dowling

Loring Eases Fears After COVID-19 Diagnosis

March 11, 2021

When the symptoms first appeared the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Jim Dowling thought it was the flu. As things progressively worsened, he began to worry.? So, as he's done for any health concern for as long as he can remember, Dowling headed to his trusted healthcare provider, Loring Hospital.?

Top 100 Critical Access 2021 logo

Loring Named Top 100 Critical Access Hospital 5th Year in a Row

March 9, 2021

For the fifth year in a row, Loring Hospital in Sac City has been named a 2021 Top 100 Critical Access Hospital by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. The designation is considered one of the most significant indicators of performance excellence in the rural healthcare industry. ?

Stacy Johnson, Loring's CEO/CFO

Looking Back and Looking Ahead: A note from Loring's CEO/CFO, Stacy Johnson

February 19, 2021

Last year at this time, it is doubtful any of us would have readily agreed to all the challenges that 2020 would present. Though it was certainly a year marked by hardship and unforeseen changes, it was also a year of learning for all of us, either at the team or individual level. Its lessons are many, and I feel incredibly blessed to lead such a resilient team of individuals.

Image of people to promote Better Choices, Better Healt

Loring to Hold Virtual Class on Managing Health and Chronic Conditions

February 16, 2021

Loring Hospital and the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) have teamed up to provide a seven-week virtual course entitled, "Better Choices, Better Health," to help individuals take a more active role in managing their health and chronic conditions. ?

Auxiliary scholarship available graphic

Loring Hospital Auxiliary Scholarships Available

February 12, 2021

The Loring Hospital Auxiliary awards scholarships each spring to Sac County or area seniors pursuing a degree in the health care field. Loring Auxiliary scholarship applications are due April 15th of each year.

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