Overview of our 8 week program to help you prevent falls in your home and in your community. Classes begin April 3— May 15, 2018 1:00 to 3:00 pm at Loring Hospital. Call the Loring Rehab Department to register today, 712-662-7105.
Session 1—Introduction & Overview Get to know each other, overview of program, share fall experiences and choose topics important to the group. Physical therapist introduces balance and strength exercises.
Session 2—Exercise and Moving about Safely Review and practice exercises from session 1, explore barriers and benefits of exercise, moving about safely—chairs and steps, learning not to panic after a fall.
Session 3—Advancing Exercises and Home Hazards Discuss when and how to advance your exercises, identify hazards in and around the home and problem-solving solutions.
Session 4—Vision, Footwear and Community Safety Discuss influence of vision and risk of falling, strategies to get around your local community and reduce risks of falling. Shoe safety and identify clothing hazards.
Session 5—Bone Health, Medication and Sleeping Better Discuss vitamin D importance and calcium to protect from fall related injuries. Medications that increase fall risks and strategies to sleep better.
Session 6—Getting Out and About Discuss and try hip protectors. Explore different weather conditions that could lead to falls. Practice safe mobility techniques learned during the program.
Session 7—Review and Plan Ahead Review exercises and personal accomplishments from the previous 7 weeks. Reflect on what you’ve learned and how to continue to implement your fall prevention strategies.
Session 8—Home Visit or Call Support and follow-up of preventative strategies and assist with any home modifications.