Loring Hospital Seeks Input on Community Health Needs
January 13, 2025
Loring Hospital in Sac City is conducting a community health needs assessment in an effort to better understand the health needs of the communities served by Loring Hospital.
This survey is important to determine health care needs of our patients now and in the future. It is designed to pinpoint concerns in our county and to discover ways to become healthier. The survey can be taken online at www.surveymonkey.com/r/LoringHospCHNA25.
Results from the survey will be considered when developing a plan to improve healthcare in our county. Results of the community health needs assessment will be made available later this year.
Everyone in the service area of Loring Hospital is invited to fill out the survey. Surveys need to be completed no later than February 3, 2025. We encourage everyone to take an active role in your personal health and the health of our county by filling out the survey. Your feedback is valuable and all replies are confidential. Thank you for considering being a part of Loring Hospital’s 2025 community health needs assessment.