Loring Hospital

Loring Hospital Seeks Input at Public Meeting about Sac County Health Care Needs

image of a horn to seek readers' attention

Loring Hospital will host a public meeting Monday, May 23 from 5 – 7 p.m. in the hospital’s Community/West Conference Room to discuss results from a recent health needs assessment survey and to seek input about healthcare in Sac County and neighboring communities. 

Everyone in the service area of Loring Hospital is invited to attend this public meeting. Paper and electronic health needs assessment surveys were made available to all community members to fill out through April 30. We will share those preliminary survey results and seek input from those in attendance. The staff at Loring Hospital encourages everyone to take an active role in their personal health and the health of our county by attending this meeting. Light refreshments will be served. Thank you for considering being a part of the Sac County Community Health Needs Assessment.