September 4, 2017
Loring Hospital received a Governor’s Volunteer Award from Governor Kim Reynolds and Lt. Governor Adam Gregg during a special recognition ceremony held August 9 in Storm Lake. Loring employees on hand to accept the award were Jan Cessford, Lori Mentzer, and Jan Wiseman. Loring was honored with the award for their participation in the SHIIP program. SHIIP, the Senior Health Insurance Information Program, is a confidential service of the State of Iowa that helps Iowans make informed decisions about Medicare and other health coverage. Cessford, Mentzer, along with LeAnn Olhausen are Loring Hospital’s SHIIP Counselors. They volunteered many hours to be trained in the SHIIP program to help Loring Hospital patients and community members navigate the often time cumbersome senior health insurance options.
“Volunteerism is such an integral part of what it means to be an Iowan,” Gov. Kim Reynolds said. “I’m pleased to honor those who have given of themselves to meet the needs of others. Their commitment helps improve the lives of those around them and consistently keep our state’s volunteerism rate in the top ten nationally.”
More than 600 awards are being presented this year during ceremonies held at several locations around the state. It is estimated that more than 31,000 hours of service, with an economic impact of more than $727,000, were served by this year’s honorees during the past twelve months. “Volunteering is win-win,” Jan Wiseman, Loring Hospital Business Manager. “Not only does it have a positive impact on the individuals served, but also transforms the individuals giving. I’m happy to recognize Jan, LeAnn, and Lori, along with the Governor’s Office, for their important contributions to Loring Hospital and to our County."
Loring Hospital is sponsoring a SHIIP Welcome to Medicare Seminar Tuesday, September 19th in our West Conference Room, lead by our SHIIP counselors - Cessford, Olhausen and Mentzer. Registration is required by September 8th and is now open for this event by calling 712-662-6406. During this seminar our SHIIP counselors can help find answers to questions pertaining to Medicare, Medicare supplement insurance, long term care insurance, and other health insurance issues.