Loring Hospital

Early Cancer Detection Made Possible at Loring Hospital

Early Cancer Detection Made Possible at Loring Hospital

After listening to her husband brag about his great bloodwork after a recent doctor’s visit, Beth Noethe from Lake View, Iowa, realized she was four months overdue for her yearly physical and mammogram. She hopped on the phone that day and was able to schedule both appointments at Loring Hospital and UnityPoint Clinic. Thankfully, Beth was able to get in for an appointment shortly after calling. Her 3D mammogram at Loring Hospital prompted the need for further testing, including an ultrasound and biopsy. Her trusted nurse practitioner, Kay Blessington, broke the news to Beth that breast cancer had been detected.

Her diagnosis was alarming, but the cancer had been caught in its early stages. “I’m so thankful that the staff at Loring Hospital asked me to do a 3D mammogram,” said Beth, “because that’s how my cancer was found.” If it wasn’t for Loring Hospital’s 3D mammogram machine and accommodating team of medical professionals, Beth believes her cancer wouldn’t have been caught nearly as early as it was. And even though Beth didn’t receive treatment at Loring Hospital, Kay was with her every step of the way, and her local care team in Sac City was able to coordinate with specialists about treatment in Sioux City shortly after her cancer was detected.

“Loring Hospital is just wonderful to work with. The staff is wonderful – warm, kind, very compassionate,” said Beth. “UnityPoint Clinic set everything up, and I was in [for treatment] that week. Kay’s office did that, and I was very lucky.”

After her diagnosis, Beth made it a priority to tell many women she knew about the importance of getting an annual mammogram. Because of her specific experience with early detection, she also urges women to consider a 3D mammogram. “I cannot preach enough about how important it is to do a yearly mammogram,” said Beth. “And do the 3D mammogram. Thank goodness our hospital, Loring Hospital, has that machine.”


Beth Noethe and Kaitlin Duff, Certified Mammography Technician at Loring Hospital are pictured with Loring Hospital’s 3D Mammogram Machine. Beth Noethe, Lake View, has made it her priority to encourage her friends and family to have their yearly mammogram, after breast cancer was detected at an early stage after her yearly exam.