"Dementia and Its Impact" Event Scheduled for Oct. 15
September 24, 2019
The Loring Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring an educational program entitled, “Dementia and Its Impact,” on Oct. 15 at the First Presbyterian Church in Sac City. The event will feature guest speaker Lyn Hilgenberg, who provides educational and consulting assistance regarding the topics of healthy aging and dementia care. The program is open to the public at no cost and will include two available sessions: 8 a.m. – noon and 1 – 5 p.m.
Based in Des Moines, Hilgenberg has an extensive and varied professional background. Beginning with her work as a child advocate within the juvenile justice system to her career within the medical field as an administrator, Hilgenberg has developed a deep understanding of family issues and an appreciation for health and wellness. She furthered her understanding of geriatric concerns as the owner and director of client services of a non-medical home care company and as an executive director for assisted living. Through her company Daylily, Hilgenberg travels across the U.S. to provide educational sessions and state mandated Chronic Confusion & Dementing Illness training and has presented to several local, state, and national organizations.
Whether participants are new or have been working with individuals diagnosed with dementia for some time, the program is intended to develop and strengthen the understanding of dementia and provide practical and effective care strategies.
Learning objectives of the program include:
- Explaining the diagnosis of dementia, brain changes that affect care, and ways to successfully make a connection with persons living with dementia.
- Discussing the principles of communication and connecting for successful personal care.
- Summarizing the opportunity for empathy through the “Dementia Immersion” exercise.
- Introduction to The Seven Domains of Well Being as a tool for understanding distressing behavior exhibited by persons living with dementia.
- Identifying the signs of burnout and compassion fatigue and discussing prevention and coping strategies.
Nurses, social workers, care givers, aides, clergy and family members are encouraged to attend one of the two sessions. Nurses can earn 3.75 contact hours at no cost. Social workers and other professionals will be provided with a certificate to submit at their discretion for licensure.
For more information about the program or to RSVP, please contact Teresa Wirtjers at 712-662-6419 or twirtjers@loringhosp.org.